Victorinox Japan sought a creative solution for 2023’s promotion of their classic Swiss Army Knife.
“The longest lasting products always have an essential meaning. Digging into those fundamental strengths with a fresh eye gives us a renewed insight into why these objects have lasted so long and remain indispensable.”
“The creative work also needed to take the ongoing global campaign into consideration. We utilized the existing tagline ‘MASTER THE MOMENT’ and blended that with the specific local requirements. The results marry both approaches without losing any of the messaging from either.”
Given the heritage of the Swiss Army Knife and high awareness of what it can do, our creative direction sets out the core potential of the product, highlighting its wide range of uses in everyday situations.
Oftentimes, when a product is so well known, the best solution comes from looking back at its origin story, its built in value and why it remains such an iconic object. By personalising these attributes and presenting tangible situations where the tool becomes indispensable we were able to bring the product into people’s everyday lives. The creative execution also has a ‘puzzle’ type quality about it. This reference to a game is often how the challenges we are presented with can appear. A Swiss Army Knife becomes the solution.
Arts & Crafts
Product Campaign
Simon Taylor
Lee Basford
Hugo Burel
Tomoko Kuwabara
Guillaume Pinto (Rendering / Animation: lineStudio)